What We Do
A property factor is responsible for the upkeep of your building and grounds, as well as the administration and finances related to these tasks.
What Do Property Factors Do?
A property factor has two main roles: to look after your building and any grounds, and manage the administration and finances in doing this.
Propose a maintenance programme to keep your property in top condition. And if there is an emergency, what you want your Factor to do for you.
Organise meetings for homeowners and Residents’ Associations to agree maintenance programmes and discuss all aspects of your factoring service.
Hire and manage all contractors, including gardeners, cleaners, caretakers and specialist maintenance and repair contractors.
Inspect buildings and common areas and arrange specialist safety inspections as needed.
Coordinate repairs and supervise works.
Liaise with relevant bodies about utilities, way leaves and other access rights. Arrange all insurances.
Collect payments for maintenance works, manage monies, including reserve funds, and run a joint account with Residents’ Association.

Do You Need a Property Factor?
In small developments with little grass or landscaping, and where everybody knows each other, homeowners can find it relatively easy to arrange maintenance and look after things themselves.
However, where there are more homeowners, it’s not always easy collecting money, especially if one household doesn’t want to pay.
In this instance, you could ask a property factor to collect and manage monies for specific jobs and outlays while you carry out simple maintenance and cleaning jobs yourself.
We provide a wide range of maintenance services
Contact us to discuss your maintenance needs and we’ll be happy to help.
Choosing the right property factor
Here, you’d benefit from having a professional property manager oversee planning and works, and look after the financial side.
Speak to at least two property managers who come recommended and ask for a quote for their services; the more responsibilities they have the more they’ll cost.
Getting a factor might be worthwhile if dividing repair and maintenance tasks between the owners is awkward, time consuming or stressful.
For example, some owners might not live in the building, they could be difficult to get hold of, or too busy or uninterested to arrange maintenance work.
The factor will be an expert in running properties and hiring suitable contractors, and they can advise you on repair and maintenance issues.